As tomorrow is the start of a new year, I thought I would do a post of things I hope to achieve in the next year, (im hoping that seeing them on screen will help me stick to them!)
I have the usual:
- Lose the post-Christmas bloat (and the rest!) and ditch the ready meals/takeaways and cook from fresh.
- Drink more water (this is a resolution EVERY year)
- Establish (and stick to) a good skin care routine
- Starting driving lessons (finally!)
- Save Money - and stop squandering it on things I dont need and wont use - mini trampolene anyone?
- Burlesque lessons as mentioned in a previous post
- Learn to knit (again) - I remember being taught how to knit when I was really young, but I didnt keep up to it, so sadly its a forgotten skill.
- Begin a correspondance Writing Course. writing (properly) is something I have been wanting to do ever since I can remember, mainly the creative style of writing - I was forever starting to write 'books' when I was young, only to discard them half finished to start a new story!
- Homemade Presents - making homemade gifts is something I really love and enjoy doing, and Im hoping that next Christmas, the majority, if not all, of the gifts I give are homemade, as I think they really show the thought and effort behind the gift, which, to me, is what gift-giving is all about. Who wouldnt like to recieve that?
- Learning New Crafts - (kind of important for the Homemade Presents resolution!) Inspired by Kirtie Allsop, and fellow bloggers, I really want to try my hand at soap making and bath bombs ect, among other things, so watch this space!
What are your resolutions/hopes for 2011?